Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Daily Cup of JPEG

"LAND-LOCKED" in the south of Ukraine on the coast of the Black Sea.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Daily Cup of JPEG

Piano's latest at the California Academy of Sciences in San Fran.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Ziggy: My new best flat-mate

Since the car and its navigation system are gone, Ikea provided me with a great replacement... and best of all it doesn't talk back and its food, water, doesn't cost as much as diesel does! His rad hairdo inspired his name in honor of Ziggy Marley...

Meet Ziggy:

Blume's Bauhaus Lecture

Torsten Blume, whom ran a workshop for us back in '06 through the Bauhaus Foundation, invited me to attend a lecture this past week. The lecture was in conjunction with a Japenese Festival Ohayo, Japan! that is currently taking place in the region. More can be found about the festival here: www.ohayo-japan.de

Little did I know that the lecture would be all in German and since my classes for German don't start for another week, I was a bit lost. It seemed that the only word I understood was Bauhaus ;) and from what I could gather it focused on the parrellels of the historical studies conducted by Bauhaus students and the traditional Japenese dance rituals.

If nothing else it was a great picture show:

Daily Cup of JPEG 26.09.08

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Devil's Wheel + Girl Boxing = Bavarian Humor

This is a traditional Oktoberfest amusement where numerous activities take place on a spinning wheel, this one, the funniest I witnessed was two girl's boxing. There is clearly a winner and lots of side pains from laughing!

Pictures of my first week living in Germany

Daily Cup of JPEG 25.09.08